Ofsted Inspection

Ofsted Inspection 2024

Summary of Key Findings for Parents and Pupils:

“Children are provided with the best possible start to their education at this exceptional school.” “The school is highly ambitious for children, including those with special educational needs and/ or disabilities (SEND).” “Children do all they can to meet the high expectations of behaviour that the school has.” “Children are happy and enjoy coming to school. They benefit from caring and supportive relationships with staff.” “Children learn from an early age what it means to be part of a community.” “The school’s curriculum is aspirational. It is meticulously designed to meet the needs and interest of children, including those with SEND.” “Staff have an expert knowledge of child development.” “Staff teach the curriculum exceptionally well.” “The importance of developing children’s communication and language flows through the school.” “The school’s clear rules and routines help to create calm classrooms in which children learn and flourish.” “Leaders at all levels are focussed on giving the children the best possible start to their education.” “Staff are extremely proud to work at the school.”