Willow Class

Willow Class Summer 1 Home Learning

“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”

The Pirates are Coming Home Learning:

Can you make your own boat using junk modelling?

Can you have a treasure hunt and make your own map?

Could you visit the library and find any other pirates stories?

Can you visit the beach?

Can you join in with the Talk for Writing shared via tapestry at home. Can your children show you the actions?

Handa’s Surprise Home Learning:

Can your child retell you the story at home?

Look at the pictures in the book. Does Kenya look similar or different to where we live? Why? Maybe you could show your child where Kenya is on a map.

Can you find 7 fruits around your local supermarket?

Can you paint your own animals from the story?

Can you go on a nature walk? What do you see around your local area?

Can you make a healthy snack using the fruits in the story?

Join in at home with our story telling on tapestry- can the children retell the story for you?

Can you join in with the Talk for Writing shared via tapestry at home. Can your children show you the actions?

Link to the animated story being narrated-

Olivers Vegetables/Fruit Salad Home Learning:

Can you plant any of your own vegetables?

Can you make a healthy meal together?

Talk about the importance of healthy eating.

Can you use vegetables to make vegetable print patterns.

Can you count how many different vegetables you see at a local shop?

Can you try a new vegetable or fruit?

Can you make a fruit smoothie?

Nursery Rhymes Home Learning:

Our nursery rhymes this term are; Here we go round the mulberry bush, Humpty Dumpty and Mary Mary quite contrary. Join in with the Willow Class Team recordings on tapestry!

Maths Home Learning:

Our focus for Spring Term is the number 5 and recapping on 2D Shapes.

Can your child identify the number 5 in the environment, e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses.

Can your child find shapes in the environment?

Number blocks on BBC IPlayer is also a great resource.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World Home Learning:

Can you talk about what the weather is like each day?

Can the children retell you the life cycle of plants and animals?

Can you go on a litter pick around your local area?

Can your child help you with recycling at home?

Can you cook/bake and share your favourite healthy foods and share on tapestry.

Willow Class – Spring 2 Home Learning

“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”

Can you do any planting together? Do you think it will grow small or tall? How long do you think it will take to grow?

Can you build your own castle together big enough for a giant! You could use blocks, junk modelling, lego or playdoh.

Could you visit the library and find any other Jack and the Beanstalk books/alternative texts to read e.g. Jasper’s Beanstalk.

Can you visit the local farm and find the cows?
Can you join in with the Talk for Writing shared via tapestry at home. Can your children show you the actions?

Link to the story being narrated with Makaton signs

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Home Learning

Could you make a healthy snack together? Could you try any fruits from the story?

Can you go on a bug hunt? What can you find? Can you see a caterpillar?

Can you talk about what day of the week it is? Talk about your own family’s routine and what you do on different days of the week.

Could you make a fruit smoothie using all the fruits in the story?

Can you spot all the food in the story when you are shopping?

Can you make your own caterpillar? Maybe from an old egg box or tubes.

Could you paint a butterfly by painting one side and folding the paper to make it symmetrical.

Visit your local library- can you find out any information about caterpillars turning into butterflies that you can share with the teachers in Willow Class.

Join in at home with our story telling on tapestry- can the children retell the story for you? You could even create your own puppets to retell the story.

Link to the story being narrated

Handa’s Hen Home Learning

Can your child retell you the story at home?

Look at the pictures in the book. Does Kenya look similar or different to where we live? Why? Maybe you could show your child where Kenya is on a map.

Can you make your own clay animals?

Can you paint your own animals from the story.

Can you go on a nature walk? Can you see any animals on your walk and can you count them.

Join in at home with our story telling on tapestry- can the children retell the story for you?

Can you visit the local farm and find any of the same animals?

Link to the animated story being narrated

Nursery Rhymes Home Learning

Our nursery rhymes this term are; I’m a Little Teapot, The Grand Old Duke of York and Sleeping Bunnies. Join in with the Willow Class Team recordings on tapestry!

Maths Home Learning

Our focus for Spring Term is the number 4, squares and rectangles, measurement, and positional language.

  • Can your child identify the number 4 in the environment, e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses.
  • Can your child find squares and rectangles in the environment such as signs, windows and doors.
  • Can you have a toy hunt around the house. Use positional language such as under the chair, on the bed, behind the box to describe the location of the toys.
  • Can your child fill different size jugs/cups during bath time?
  • Number blocks on BBC IPlayer is also a great resource.
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World Home Learning:
    • Can you talk about what the weather is like each day?
    • Can you see any signs of spring? E.g. baby animals, plants growing etc.
    • Can you look at different family pictures? What changes can you see?
    • Talk about different jobs you might see. What would you like to be?
    • Can you cook/bake and share your favourite foods and share on tapestry.

Willow Class – Spring 1 Overview

“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”

Bake some bread together. Can the children help you weigh the ingredients?

Can your child help you with any jobs around the house, e.g. setting the table, washing their dishes and putting their toys away.

Join in at home with our Talk for Writing on tapestry – can the children retell the story for you?

Link to the story being narrated with Makaton signs:

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Home Learning

Could you make porridge together? Could you try different flavours?

Can you size your own teddy bears? Which is the biggest? Which is the smallest?

Could you make a chair for baby bear to sit on?

Join in at home with our Talk for Writing on tapestry – can the children retell the story for you?

Link to the story being narrated with Makaton signs:

Link to the story with symbols:

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Home Learning

Can you make a snack for the troll?

Can you make your own troll out of dough? Can you add any features onto it?

Can you junk model your own bridge? Join in at home with our Talk for Writing on tapestry – can the children retell the story for you?

Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:

Nursery Rhymes Home Learning

Our nursery rhymes this term are; Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill, Three Blind Mice, Three Little Men in a Flying Saucer. Join in with the Willow Class Team recordings on tapestry!

Maths Home Learning

Our focus for Spring Term is the number 3, triangles and language around size and capacity.

  • Can your child identify the number 3 in the environment, e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses.
  • Can your child find triangles in the environment such as road signs.
  • Can your child talk about different sizes of objects such as their toys and cups and plates.
  • Can your child fill different size jugs / cups during bath time?
  • Number blocks on BBC IPlayer is also a great resource.
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World Home Learning
  • Can you talk about what the weather is like each day?
  • Enjoy having hands on experiences outdoors such as playing in the snow, ice and muddy puddles.
  • Explore and talk about how snow and ice melts.
  • Find out about different celebrations and experiences such as Chinese New Year.
  • Talk about different jobs you might see. What would you like to be?
  • Can you cook / bake and share your favourite foods?