Oak Class
Oak Class Summer 2 Overview
“I wonder how many animals I know and when and where they live/d”
Core Texts and Rhymes
Ideas for Home Learning
- Can you find a copy of the book to share at home in the local library?
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoHn8rLj9pc watch a video of the story being narrated and signed together
- Practise Dear Zoo Yoga poses together – www.lakeside.theharmonytrust.org/serve_file/681619
- Practise making animal noises together
- Move like different animals
- Can you find a copy of the book to share at home in the local library?
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC6-yK6GeGU watch a video of the story being narrated and signed together
- Bake some teddy bear biscuits together- www.cookingwithmykids.co.uk/everywhere-bear-biscuits
- When you are out on a family walk, scoot or ride see if you can find a different object for each colour in the story. Why not take photos so you can make a book or collage when you get home?
- Practise making animal noises together
- Move like different animals
- Can your child retell you the story at home?
- Practise making animal noises together
- Move like different animals
- Talk about what animals you might find on farm.
- Can you visit the local farm and find any of the same animals?
- Link to the story being narrated and signed- www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKpnNlZn1BI
- Can you visit a library to find a copy of the book?
- Can you move and travel like the different dinosaurs?
- Describe the dinosaurs- colour, size, shape.
- Can you make Roar noises like a dinosaur?
- Can you talk about different animals that you might see on a farm?
- Can you sing Old MacDonald?
- Can your child start to show awareness of the number 0-10 in the indoor/ outdoor environment e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses.
- Can you think of different ways to make numbers 0-10?
- Match shapes that are the same and begin to categorise – square/rectangle e.g. shapes in your house e.g. coasters or picture frames
- Notice patterns and start to arrange things by pattern www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b08bzfnh/numberblocks
When singing rhymes, present numbers on fingers, showing fingers decreasing and re- counting when we take one away or add one.
Old MacDonald had a farm,
5 little Ducks,
5 cheeky monkeys,
Little Lizzie- alliteration
Sing/ recite rhymes at home: use resources from home learning packs to do this
Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry
“I wonder what is happening now that it is Summer?”
- Can you talk about what the weather is like each day?
- What should we wear?
Pre Phonics and Phonics
Sound Discrimination and Listening
Oak Class Summer 1 Overview
“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”
Core Texts and Rhymes
Ideas for Home Learning
Look at your reflection in the mirror and make funny faces.
Go on a colour hunt
Use emotions words like happy, sad, angry, excited to describe how you are feeling
Draw faces with different emotions
Decorate biscuits with different emotion expressions.
Make fruit salad at home, or how about a fruit smoothie?
Talk about different fruits you see as you do the shopping- use language like big, small, smooth, rough, heavy.
Count how many apples/ oranges/ bananas are in a pack/ bunch.
Where does fruit come from? How does it grow?
Talk about the weather when out and about
Enjoy playing in sunshine, puddles
Enjoy ice lollies and link this to melting
Talk about what we wear when it is hot
Talk about what we eat and drink to keep cool
Use mathematical language when describing different fruit and vegetables.
Make repeating patterns with vegetable paint prints
Recognise numbers 0-10 and beyond
Rhymes Humpty Dumpty,
Here we go round the Mulberry Bush,
Mary Mary, quite Contrary,
Jelly on a plate
Sing/ recite rhymes at home
Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry app
Useful Links:
Pre Phonics and Phonics
Sound Discrimination and Listening
Link to apps that support learning:
Oak Class – Spring 2 Overview
“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”
Can you do any planting together? Do you think it will grow small or tall? How long do you think it will take to grow?
You could build your own castle together big enough for a giant! You could use blocks, junk modelling, lego or playdoh.
You could visit the library and find any other Jack and the Beanstalk books/alternative texts to read e.g. Jasper’s Beanstalk.
Can you visit the local farm and find the cows?
Link to the story being narrated with Makaton signs
You could make some noise together- using pots and pans to chant familiar phrases from the story- FEE, FI , FO, FUM… you could experiment with different voices as you chant
Can you go on a bug hunt? What can you find? Can you see a caterpillar?
Be a butterfly- run around and flap your arms up and down
Can you spot all the food in the story when you are shopping?
Could you paint a butterfly by painting one side and folding the paper to make it symmetrical.
Link to story narrated with Makaton signing-
Can your child retell you the story at home?
Look at the pictures in the book. Does Kenya look similar or different to where we live? Why? Maybe you could show your child where Kenya is on a map.
Can you make your own clay animals?
Can you paint your own animals from the story.
Can you go on a nature walk? Can you see any animals on your walk and can you count them.
Join in at home with our story telling on tapestry- can the children retell the story for you?
Can you visit the local farm and find any of the same animals?
Link to the animated story being narrated
Can you sing Old MacDonald?
Can you think of different ways to make numbers 4, 5, 6?
Match shapes that are the same and begin to categorise – square/rectangle e.g. shapes in your house e.g. coasters or picture frames.
Notice patterns and start to arrange things by pattern.
When singing rhymes, present numbers on fingers, showing fingers decreasing and re- counting when we take one away or add one.
Sleeping Bunnies
I’m a Little Teapot
The Grand Old Duke of York
Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry.
Can you see any signs of spring? E.g. baby animals, plants growing etc.
Can you look at different family pictures? What changes can you see?
Talk about different jobs you might see. What would you like to be?
Can you cook/bake and share your favourite foods and share on tapestry.
Useful Links:
Pre Phonics and Phonics
Sound Discrimination and Listening
Oak Class – Spring 1 Overview
“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”
Invite your child to help you with chores eg setting table, putting shoes away
Bake Bread
Go on a hunt for things that are red
Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:
Cook porridge together
Look out for the number 3 when out and about
Talk about size eg great big chair, middle size chair, little chair
Go on a hunt for small or big things when on a walk eg a big leaf, a small dog
Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:
Enjoy repeating phrases from the story eg Trip Trap, Trip Trap as you go for a walk
Make a snack for the troll (or yourselves)
Count 3 objects eg chocolate buttons
Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:
Enjoy playing in snow, ice, puddles
Talk about how the snow / ice melts
Enjoy ice lollies and link this to melting
Talk about what we wear when it is cold
Talk about what we eat and drink to keep warm
Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry app
Pre Phonics and Phonics
Sound Discrimination and Listening
Link to apps that support learning: