Maple Class

Maple Class Summer 1 Home Learning

“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”

Core Texts and Rhymes

Ideas for Home Learning

Could you make a healthy snack together? Could you try any fruits or vegetables from the story?

Can you spot all the food in the story when you are shopping?

Could you paint a rainbow, naming all of the colours?

Could you explore sensory water using chopped up fruits from the story?

Encourage mark making exploring the range of colours in the story

Encorage children to Stop, Look and Listen when crossing the road.

Watch and learn the rhyme of Road Safety for Children “The Wiggles”.

Look at books about cars and staying safe.

Could you fasten a favourite toy into the car wearing a seatbelt as a role model?

When you stop at traffic lights can you say Ready, Steady, Go, as the lights change from red to green?

Always encourage holding hands or holding onto reigns when crossing roads or in car parks.

Can you count to five in all opportunities?

Can you point out the number 5 in the indoor/outdoor environment e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses.

Could you explore five bath toys the same such as five little speckled frogs?


We’re all Special

Humpty Dumpty

Here we go round the Mulberry bush

Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry.

Can you and your child play or listen to the beat of an instrument whilst you sing this song?

Maple Class – Spring 2 Overview

“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”

Could you make a healthy snack together? Could you try any fruits from the story?

Can you go on a bug hunt? What can you find? Can you see a caterpillar?

Be a butterfly- run around and flap your arms up and down.

Can you spot all the food in the story when you are shopping?

Could you paint a butterfly by painting one side and folding the paper to make it symmetrical.

Could you explore sensory water using chopped up fruits from the story? Join in at home with our very hungry
caterpillar rhyme on tapestry.

Join in at home with our very hungry caterpillar rhyme on tapestry.

Link to story narrated with Makaton signing-

Take a walk around the local area, park or gardens – What can you find growing?

Can you do some digging/ planting together and watch it grow?

Could you help an adult in the garden – water the plants with a watering can?

Can you find any slugs or snails in your garden, on your way to school or at the park?

Join in at home with our days of the week rhyme on

Link to story being narrated-

Can you go on an egg hunt?

Can you use positional language such as in or under?
Could you watch Pepper’s Easter Hunt and sing the new rhyme with your child?

Why don’t you visit a farm and see if there is any baby chicks or other baby animals?

Join in at home and watch and listen to our rhyme on tapestry.

Can you count to four in all opportunities.

Can you point out the number 4 in the indoor/outdoor environment e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses.

Match shapes that are the same – square/rectangle e.g. shapes in your house e.g. coasters or picture frames


Their’s a tiny caterpillar on a leaf

Days of the week song
Sleeping Bunnies
I’m a Little Teapot

The Grand Old Duke Of York

Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry

Maple Class – Spring 1 Overview

“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”

Go for a walk and collect some sticks and build a house
Build a house using building blocks

Use a battery-operated fan to blow cold air onto your children as they join in with huffing and puffing.

Visit a local farm and find the pigs

Look out for the number 3 when out and about, pointing out the number or three objects the same.

Link to story narrated with Makaton signing:

Make some gingerbread cookies or a different sweet treat or even something for lunch or dinner.

Play chase and use the repetitive language ‘Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man’

Count three buttons on your coat, top or cardigan

Play with toy animals from the story such as cow, fox, horse.

Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:

Cook porridge together, to taste or use for sensory play
Look out for the number 3 when out and about, pointing out the number or three objects the same.

Talk about size eg big chair, middle size chair, little chair
Go on a hunt for small or big things, such as a big teddy and a small teddy, a big bowl and a small bowl.

Go for a walk/explore in the woods and see what you can notice.

Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:

Non-Fiction Texts linked to Winter and the weather
Talk about how the snow / ice melts

Enjoy ice lollies and link this to melting

Explore edible snow using desiccated coconut

Make ice / ice lollies in the freezer, showing the children the water before you put it in.

Make snow men in real snow or improvise with play dough, recipe shared on Tapestry. Use twigs, buttons etc.

Point to and name different objects such as hat, scarf, gloves.

Jump in muddy puddles
When singing rhymes, present numbers on fingers, showing fingers decreasing and re- counting when we take one away or add one.


Three Little Men in a Flying Saucer

Three Blind Mice

Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill

Sing / recite rhymes at home: use resources from home learning packs to do this

Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry