Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is a Maintained Nursery School?
Maintained Nurseries are Local Authority schools within Wirral Council. We have similar statutory responsibilities to primary and secondary schools; including employing a Headteacher, SENDCo and qualified teachers for our Foundation 1 classes. Maintained Nurseries offer places for children who are two, three and four years of age. Our school is open during term time and these term dates are set by Wirral Council.
02. Do you offer before or after club?
Yes, we currently offer breakfast and after school club for our three and four-year-old children. Breakfast club is from 8am until their session begins and is £3. After school club is from the end of the session until 4:30pm and is £7. Some families choose to use their hours more flexibly and include the club as part of their funded sessions.
03. I am not entitled to funding. Can I pay for a place?
Yes, we offer paid and funded places. Please contact the office for our updated session prices.
04. Does my child need to wear a uniform?

We ask parents to ensure that their child is appropriately dressed for a day of fun and exploration in school. Please see the uniform section of our website for more information.

05. Am I allowed to take my child on holiday during term time?

We promote good attendance in school and routine provides familiarity for children and helps them to settle. However, we understand the value of family time and so some parents choose take their child on holiday or on a day out during term time. Nursery aged children are not statutory school age and so parents cannot be fined. If you are planning to take a holiday, then please let us know as if your child does not attend school and we don’t know why then we will telephone you.