F2 Oak
Oak Class Autumn 2
“I wonder what we are celebrating?”
Core Texts and Rhymes
Watch and listen to the story being narrated by Mrs Billington on Tapestry. Enjoy listening to the sounds and making the actions using the take home sheet.
- Put on your wellies and go and stand or stomp in the thick oozy mud
- Use a torch to look around the room and track the light
- Visit a local forest/ park and walk through the swishy swashy grass
- To experience a snowstorm, throw scrunched up paper in the air for snowballs
- Play hide and seek with Teddy Bears around the house
- Link to story narrated with Makaton signing –
Makaton Signed Story – WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT – Singing Hands
- an you go for a walk in the dark- what can you spot in the sky? Planets, stars, clouds, planes…
- Help your adult to create a yummy picnic – enjoy it inside or outside
- Find a cardboard box and make your very own space rocket- don’t forget to count down- 5,4,3,2,1, BLAST OFFFFFF!
- Investigate noise- can you bang a pan loud/ quiet?
- Can you sing loud or quiet?
- What noises can you hear in your house?
- What noises do different animals make?
- With help from your adult, can you use a torch to make shadows on the walls?
- What other lights do you have in your home?
- Where else can we find lights? Eg cars, buses, traffic lights
- Can you go for a walk in the dark? Use a torch to help you to see.
- Tell stories by torch light with your favourite cuddly toy
- Take a stroll through the deep dark wood?
- Head to the park and role play the story. Look under log piles and behind trees. What can you see in the woods?
- Listen to Juila Donaldson sing the Gruffalo song using Makaton:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCdVP9Qq6HM - Make Gruffalo Crumble and other recipes:
GruffaloCrumblePartyPack” - Play and explore the Gruffalo website:
- Watch the story with Makaton signs (link below) Can you learn to sign; car, kite, ball, tiger, paint, trumpet and kitten?
- Can you move like a tiger and go roaring around the house?
- Throw a big ball and catch it. ‘My turn, your turn’ Try a smaller ball if you can throw and catch a big one. If this is tricky hit and catch a balloon
- Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing –
- Can your child start to show awareness of the numbers 0-5 in the indoor/outdoor environment e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses?
- Support and encourage your child to begin to recognise the numbers 0-5 and show an interest in counting. Model
- counting the objects your child is counting with.
- Listen to and join in with number rhymes – 2 Little Dickie Birds, 5 Little Ducks
- Encourage your child to look at the dickie birds as they are counted and taken away
- www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b08bzfnh/numberblocks target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”
- Find opportunities to use the language of big, little, full, empty, heavy, light eg when baking, when filling up a water bottle, when out shopping.
Incy Wincy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Pop Goes The Weasel, Two Little Dickie Birds
Nursery Rhyme Week:
Twinkle Twinkle, Old Macdonald, The Big Ship Sails, Incy Wincy Spider, 5 Currant Buns
When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney
- Sing/ recite rhymes at home: use resources from home learning packs to do this
- Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry
- Watch rhymes sang with Makaton
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOqRyedVJkg - Incy Wincy Spider
Ideas to support children’s early phonological development
Use rhymes and songs with words repeated in a string e.g. Row, Row, Row your boat. Clap, Clap, Clap your hands.
Say word strings – link with an object of interest e.g. blue block, green grass
Blow feathers, blow bubbles and listen to the quiet pop. Feel and hear them pop on your hand, knee, foot, head
Listen to the sounds the child is making. Repeat back. Add a new sound.
Make a speech sound, then add on another one and then another one to make a pattern e.g. e…i…o….s
Watch out for the Light and Dark Home Learning Pack which will be sent home mid November.
- www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/#tabnametabSupportForPhonics
- www.sound-train.com
- www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2
Sound Discrimination and Listening
- www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/eyfs-listening-skills/zbc4y9q
- www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/1