
Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Each child’s development is unique and special. The role of the adult in Early Years is to play alongside your child, noticing what they do and say, and using this to know what to do next to support them in their development and understanding. Sometimes we will make notes or take photographs of what we see to either share with you on Tapestry or to note a key skills or development that we have observed. Our priority is always to spend time with your child and to be present in their play. We aim to know all about your child and to be a trusted adult whom they can rely upon.

After so much positive feedback from our parent’s questionnaires and being aware that many of our parents are busy working, we use Tapestry to share your child’s learning experiences with you. By logging on with a secure username and password you will be able to view all of your children’s observations, photographs and even video to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time in EYFS. You will even receive an email telling you when a new observation or piece of work is available for you to view. This will enable you to follow your child’s individual progress closely and reflect upon their achievements with your child.

You can add comments so that we as a staff find out about which activities your child really enjoyed. You can also add your own photographs and comments about the learning they get up to at home, which we will look forward to reading about and as you are your child’s most important educators we value your contributions to your child’s learning journey. We know how much you like to see your child coming home from Nursery proudly clutching their most recent piece of artwork, therefore we will photograph the pieces of work we need to keep as evidence and then it will come home with your child.

Wellcomm – Communication Toolkit

When they first arrive at Ganneys Meadow, all children’s communication skills are assessed by their key person using the Wellcomm tool kit. We do this through playing games, talking to and observing the children. This means that if children are struggling with any aspect of speech or communication, staff are immediately able to put into place a support plan which will enable the child to develop their skills. We work closely with our own SENDCo and speech and language therapist to ensure that children are well supported in order that they are well prepared for entry into primary school.

Key Person

Your child will be nominated a Key Person when they start in our Nursery School. Using the developmental steps, your child’s Key Person will note all your child’s achievements in each of the areas of learning and make suggestions for the next steps for your child. This informs our planning to ensure every child’s needs and interests are met. Alongside this the staff are always watching what children show an interest in. Adaptations to the environment are then made to promote this interest and use it as a learning tool.

Main Barriers to Learning

  • Personal, social and emotional. Particularly, low self-esteem and confidence
  • Speech, language and communication difficulties
  • Self-care skills


  • The grant allocation is used towards the cost of TA support in our Nursery rooms and in our Nurture group.
  • We have Nurture group activities for children facing emotional barriers to learning and Nurture principles are embedded across the school. EYPP children benefit from relaxation sessions, mindfulness sessions and small circle time groups to build self-esteem.
  • EYPP children benefit from Wellcomm interventions to further develop speech, language and communication.
  • Forest school sessions enable children to learn to use tools safely, build their skills of independence and resilience through trying new, challenging experiences with the reassurance and praise of their key person.
  • Interventions are planned based on the individual needs of EYPP children, including intervention to provide challenge for more able EYPP children.


  • 71% of EYPP children made better than expected progress in PSED
  • 78% of EYPP children made better than expected progress in CL
  • 71% of EYPP children made better than expected progress in PD
  • 64% of EYPP children made better than expected progress in Reading
  • 85% of EYPP children made better than expected progress in Writing
  • 78% of EYPP children made better than expected progress in Maths