
The Positivitree is a Wirral-based charity that works with families who have children (from birth to adulthood), with disabilities, special educational, medical, or mental health needs.

We establish supportive, empathetic, non-directive and respectful relationships, based on trust and care, that enable parents and carers to look after their personal health and wellbeing. This enables easier access to services that support their child’s needs in a way that is accessible, equitable, and results in positive outcomes.

Our model uses peer advice and support to help navigate the world of SEND and accessing support in schools and the wider community. Our charity aims to alleviate some of the stress factors associated with being a parent and carer by empowering families with training and resources to negate any further disadvantage.

Our hosted social activities and events are reducing isolation and improving wellbeing within the parent-carer community. Founded and led by an expert by experience with a passion for influencing changes to the SEND system and positively disrupting the ‘norm’.

The Positivitree has multiple peer-led support groups hosted weekly across the Wirral and online reaching an average of 30 families a week.

We provide social opportunities as well as training and development for parents and the professionals who work to support them.